#1 Video player on Envato Market
What is Easy Video Player ?
Easy Video Player is a powerful responsive video player that can play local video or audio, streaming videos from a server, mp3 / mp4, HLS / HTTP live streaming,Youtube,Vimeo , VR / 360°,google drive, openload / openload.co and other cloud platforms and much more. It only requires themp4 format (the best and most used format on the web) and it will work on mobile devices and desktop machines no matter which browser is used. Packed with a huge amount of features like responsive layout, multiple instances manager, flexible skin,HTTP Live Streaming /HLS /m3u8 video support, DASH MPEG,360 degree video / virtual reality / VR, share window, embed window,cuepoints, multiplesubtitles, video quality selector, subtitle selector, private / password protect video, video annotations,chromecast support, google analytics,VAST (Digital Video Ad Serving Template) and VMAP (Digital Video Multiple Ad Playlist) advertisement,chromecast support,IMA (Google Interactive Media Ads) and much more, it makes it the best and most flexible video player available on sale.
Easy Video Player main features:
Optional encrypt video source / path. Using this feature will not allow a user / software to see / steal the video source / path from the page source.
Fail-safe / backup / second source, possibility to add a second source, if the first video source can’t play EVP will play the second source, video tutorial here.
Thumbnails preview support. Please see this example.
Live auto-generated video thumbnails, now is possible to auto-generate video preview thumbnails directly from video, example here, video tutorial here. This feature works with self hosted or external hosted mp4/video, HLS/m3u8, Google drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3 and more…
Play mp4 video, mp3 audio or HLS/m3u8 files on your TV screen using Chromecast, the media can be controlled via the video player interface basically, the browser and the video player become a remote tv, example here, (please note currently HLS, youtube, Vimeo and advertisement are not supported).
Resume / remember function which marks the last play position of the video when the browser is closed and remembers it when you come back to watch the video again.
Optional vector based buttons icons using font awesome, example here
Mobile and desktop optimized .
Support for multiple video quality and optional video quality selector similar to Youtube.
Support for local video or audio, streaming video from a server or Youtube video.
Support for audio files (.mp3).
Real time spectrum visualizer for audio / mp3 files with customizable color theme, example here.
Support for subtitles files (.srt .vtt or .txt).
Optional subtitles selector. EVP supports multiple subtitles, they can be set with ease and changed at runtime using an optional subtitle selector.
Optional encrypt subtitles source / path. Using this feature will not allow a user / software to see / steal the subtitles source / path from the page source.
Optional playback rate / speed selector. EVP supports multiple playback rates / speeds, they can be set with ease and changed at runtime using an optional playback rates / speeds selector.
Optional go fullscreen on play, when the play button is clicked the player goes fullscreen example here.
Custom context menu, when the right mouse button is clicked a custom menu appears that allows to copy the video URL / video URL at the current time or switch fullscreen /normal screen.
Optional fill entire video screen, this feature will allow filling the gaps of the video player, you can have for example a real full-width player.
Openload / openload.co, support. Please watch this video tutorial for more info.
Google analytics support, the possibility to view how many times a video was played or downloaded, please see this video tutorial.
Youtube video quality buttons selectors from the video control bar. The available quality rates will be displayed in a cool way so you can select the desired quality for the playing video. The video player can play a HD video on desktop machines and a smaller video on mobile devices, this useful feature is optional, this means that the video player can play the same video source on all desktop machines or mobile devices.
Support for 360 degree panorama videos videos, example here.
360 Immersive VR / virtual reality 360 videos and Cardboard mode support are added using WebXR, any Html5 video is supported including Mpeg Dash, HLS Native, and HLS.JS, turn your device into a virtual reality video machine, this feature allows using Cardboard goggles or VR hardware like Oculus Rift or HTC Vive to display a VR 360 video scene, example here.
Support for green screen / transparent background videos, the possiblity to remove the green color from a video with a green, blue or any popular color used for this type of CGI effect background and replace it with transparency example here.
Support for multiple instances.
Multiple instances manager, this is a great feature that allows automated control over all Easy Video Player instances. Once a video instance is playing the other instances can be set to pause or stop. For example if this feature is set to stop all instances will stop and interrupt the download process this way the page will not load more then one video at the time.
Optional video poster, the poster is visible when the video player is stopped plus support for two poster sources one for desktop machines and one for mobile devices. Please note that a single source can be used for both for desktop machines and mobile devices.
Optional pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll / ads / advertisement video or image (similar to youtube ads with extra features). EVP supports unlimited ads they can be added and configured easily.
Non linear google adsense support, one or more non linear adsense ads can be set to run during video playback.
Interactive Media Ads SDKs – IMA SDK for HTML5 and DFP / Google Doubleclick IMA tags support, which allows you to place Google Adsense for Video tags to stream video PreRoll Ads (linear), Mid-Roll, Post-Roll, VMAP+Bumper and Pods, or Non-Linear Banner/Text Ads (non-linear) with your self hosted videos, adsense example here and DFP, VAST, VMAP example here.
Optional commercial popup ads (similar to youtube popup ads are displayed). Multiple ads can be added for a video, also the show and hide time can be specified, for example, a popup ad commercial can be showed at the second 10 and hidden at second 40.
Usage of the same Easy Video Player custom skin even for the Youtube videos.
Responsive layout.
Private / password protected videos, example here.
HTTP Live Streaming / HLS / m3u8 video support on all browsers mobile and desktop
HLS multiple audio tracks support, example here.
Support for video / mp4 multiple audio tracks, please note that this feature is limited by browser support, browsers that do not have support for the HTMLMediaElement.audioTracks video property will not display the headphone button that allows changing the video audio track.
DASH MPEG / Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP / .mpd video support on all supported browsers mobile and desktop,
Lazy scrolling/loading, the possibility to initialize EVP on scroll when the player is visible in the page, this way for example if the player is in a section of a webpage that is not visible it will not be initialized / play, instead EVP will be initialized / play only when the user is scrolling to that section in which the player is added.
Optional popup advertisement window on pause, the source can be any web page, example here.
Optional annotations, similar to youtube annotations but with full controll over the content and mobile support.
Full HTML and CSS for the annotations content.
Annotations start / show and stop / hide time can be easely sepcified.
VAST (Digital Video Ad Serving Template) and VMAP (Digital Video Multiple Ad Playlist) advertisement support, support for linear / nonlinear single or multiple (pods) video/audio (pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll) ads and of course the option to create VAST playlists using VMAP, example here.
Possibility to set VAST (Digital Video Ad Serving Template) start time in hh:mm:ss. This is an invaluable and unique feature only that EVP has since the VAST template doesn’t have any rule about when to play the ads and this is left to the video player publisher. This feature is added as a helper but VMAP can be used to created VAST playlists and ad breaks can be added at any desired time on the video timeline. Please watch this video tutorial for more info.
A to B video loop/ab loop, the option to loop a specific section/part of a video using two time/timestamp points, point a the start point and point b the endpoint, this points can be adjusted using the a to b loop controlbar.
Optional keyboard support (F:fullscreen / normalscreen, LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS:skip video 5 seconds forward or backward, UP/DOWN ARROWS: volume up or volume down, M:mute/unmute, SPACE:play/pause)
Optional annotations animations between the annotations states.
Video cuepoints, EVP can call javascript functions or javascript code at a specified time during video playback.
Use EVP as a video background and even controll it using the API, EVP can be used as a video background for any any HTML page, example here.
HEX / CSS color support, the buttons colors can be modified with simple CSS by passing a hexadecimal color(ex: #FF0000) and even more, we have done it in a cool way that all graphics will retain the texture and at the same time apply the chosen color.
Possibility to open a new page when the video has finished to play, it can open a new page in a different window or replace the page in which the player is running (_blank or _self)
Multiples display types: responsive / fixed / fullscreen / popup…
Support for sticky display type, please see this example.
Support for lightbox / modal display type, now it is possible to open EVP in a modal / lightbox window when the page loads or on user interaction, for example, a button or image click.
Chromeless support, it can be used to create your own video player or as background video, example here.
Timestamp support in format of t=hours[h]minutes[m]seconds[s], start the video at a specified time by setting a timestamp in the player page URL, please see this example and check the URL format it has a timestamp attached to it ex: t=0h0m20s
Optional custom watermark logo. The logo can be set to hide with the control bar or to always be visible, also the logo position is customizable.
AutoHide controls bar, the video player can be set to autohide the controls bar after a number of seconds of inactivity.
The video controls bar can be showed or hidden when the video is stopped or it hasn’t started.
Click to play or pause, you can click on the video to play/pause the video.
Powerful API included with example files, full set of API methods, including play, pause, stop, scrub with time, scrub with percent, volume and soooo much more.
Double click / double tap functionalityleft video side rewind 10 seconds, center video go fullscreen / normal screen, right video side go forward 10 seconds.
Start volume value.
Autoplay video with muted sound to comply with the browser autoplay policy, example here..
Possibility to start playing at a specified time.
Option to allow only a logged in user to play / view the video, example here.
Big play button.
Rewind 10 seconds button
Play / pause button.
Current and total time (optional).
Volume button (optional).
Volume scrubber (optional).
share, embed, subtitles button (optional).
Fullscreen button (optional).
Detailed documentation and sample files included.
Optional keyboard support.
Eight skins included with the psd files.
High Resolution:
YesFiles Included: