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This is a very interesting game in which you have to connect all the electrons with each other. But remember the rules: 1) You can only connect opposite charges 2) The lines must not overlap. You can create the level of your dreams. The video tutorial is part of the archive. Thanks friends!
Yes. Construct 2 allows you to export the game to HTML5 format. After that you can do with it whatever you want. If you need to embed the game into HTM5 frames, then it is not a problem
Some of my games work only in HTML5 format. They require the use of the mouse cursor that is not possible on a mobile device. Learn whether to run the game on a mobile device is very simple. There are two ways: I indicate in the description of “gamename + mobile”. If this is not present, then the game does not work on a mobile device. Method 2:.. You’re trying to play a game with their mobile device in the browser. If the game works then it will be work as an application too
This is not a problem. In these games, there is always the documentation append new levels. Sometimes it is accompanied by video tutorials
If the game is adapted to the mobile device, then it can be compiled through the cocoon or intel SDK. You are free to choose. But my games adapted cocoon, so to Intel SDK will have to change some of the details
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