NewsHour offers all the standard and unique features expected in a news app, enhanced with numerous animations to ensure a user-friendly experience. The app delivers an impressive UI design and smooth performance across both iOS and Android platforms. If you’re searching for a versatile news or blog app for both operating systems, NewsHour is an excellent choice.
A subscription-based business model has been implemented, allowing users to access premium articles through the subscription of your premium plans. Free articles are also available, but users will see ads during their use. The combination of free articles with ads and premium plans provides flexibility for users and a dual-revenue model for your business. Subscription features are optional if you want to use it only for free articles with ads or no ads.
What Will You Get
Top 10 Reasons to Buy
Notable Features
App Features
Welcome & Beautiful On-Boarding Screens – Introduction screens to define the features of the app. It can be disabled from the admin panel.
User Registration/Login: Login with email/password, social logins like Google, Facebook, and Apple (Only for iOS), Mobile number login, and Guest Login. Initial login can be disabled from the admin panel.
Video Posts: Video posts with native video player. Three types of video formats are supported. Youtube, Video, and Network videos.
Audio Posts: Audio posts support with SoundCloud stream url only.
Users Account Control: Users can change their name and profile picture. Also, they can delete their account and data from the app.
Animations: This app has full of animations. We have used inbuilt animations from Flutter and also used animation files from Lottie. You can change all the custom animations with your Lottie files.
Categories, Sub-categories & Tags: Articles are divided into categories and sub-categories. Also, tags can be added to the articles.
Post Views, Likes & Bookmarks: Posts views and user likes can be disabled from admin.
Monetization: We have used Admob ads for monetization maintaining AdMob policy. Banner, Interstitial, Inline Native Ads are supported
Inline Custom Ads:Like native ads, you can use custom ads within the news list. You can create and control your custom ads directly from the admin panel. Three types of custom ads are supported: Text Only, Image Only, and Image with Title Ads. The app will randomly select each ad for its assigned position. As with native ads, you can choose after how many posts you want to place the ads.
Subscriptions: Subscriptions for premium articles and disabling ads. Subscription plans will be handled from your Google Play Store for Android and the Apple App Store for iOS. You can create your plans and prices by following our step-by-step documentation. Ads will be disabled for premium users. (An Extended license is required for the subscription feature)
Push Notifications: We have used the Firebase push notification service which is completely free. Admin can send push notifications directly from the admin panel to all Android & iOS users in just one click. Push notification’s body also supports HTML text. That means HTML texts, images and videos will be supported too.
Cached Image & Data: Used cache image service to save online images to a local database for a faster experience. Images & databases can be accessible even offline.
Backend Service: We have used Firebase as a backend of this complete project which is fast and secure.
Custom Security Rules: We have included custom security rules for the backend database which will secure the data from hackers. So, you don’t have to worry about database security.
Multi-language Support: The app has multi-language support. You can use any language. We have added 10 prebuilt language files.
RTL Support: RTL support for RTL-type languages like Arabic, Hebrew, etc.
EU Data Protection Policy: EU data protection policy has been applied. Users can delete their accounts and data from the app anytime they want.
Firebase Analytics: To access the real-time activity of the users.
State Management: Riverpod
Local Database: Hive and Shared Preferences.
Admin Panel Features
The admin panel is also built on the Flutter framework. No custom domain and hosting are required for the admin panel. You will get them free from Firebase.
Dashboard: Statistical overview of the users, articles, categories, tags, purchases, featured items & notifications.
Notifications: You can send notifications directly from the admin panel. The notification body supports HTML texts, images, and videos. Post notifications are also supported
Administrative Control: Assign authors, and disable/enable users from the app.
Author Dashboard: Authors have individual dashboards where they can submit their articles and admin can approve.
Customize App: Customize 30+ app specific features from the admin panel.
Ads Control: Enable/Disable specific ads & create custom ads
Admin Panel:
Android Demo: Google Play Store
iOS Demo: App Store(TestFlight)
Software Version:
Files Included:
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